Getting Started with Orange

Pooja Lo
3 min readSep 5, 2021


In this practical, we will learn about the orange tool in that we will learn some basics of this tool.

What is the orange tool?

Orange is a component-based visual programming software package for data visualization, machine learning, data mining, and data analysis.

Orange components are called widgets and they range from simple data visualization, subset selection, and preprocessing, to empirical evaluation of learning algorithms and predictive modeling.

Visual programming is implemented through an interface in which workflows are created by linking predefined or user-designed widgets, while advanced users can use Orange as a Python library for data manipulation and widget alteration

How to use workflows in orange?

In its practical, I have created one simple workflow. In that, I take one file widget and then we create Data Info, File Data table, File Distribution, scatter plot, Aggregated column.

select file widget from left pane and place into the canvas and double click on that so you can see the detail of that.

How to do basic data exploration

The Data Table widget receives one or more datasets in its input and presents them as a spreadsheet. Data instances may be sorted by attribute values. The widget also supports the manual selection of data instances.

Data info is a simple widget that presents information on the dataset size, features, targets, meta attributes, and location.

The Distributions widget displays the value distribution of discrete or continuous attributes. If the data contains a class variable, distributions may be conditioned on the class.

The Scatter Plot widget provides a 2-dimensional scatter plot visualization for continuous attributes. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of the x-axis attribute determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the y-axis attribute determining the position on the vertical axis.

Aggregate Columns outputs an aggregation of selected columns, for example, a sum, min, max, etc.

How to load your data in Orange and how to load external data from API in Orange?

To load the data, open the File widget (double click on the icon of the widget), click on the file browser icon (”…”) and locate the downloaded file on your disk:



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