Quizzer Application

Pooja Lo
5 min readNov 24, 2021


Now a days people live to work fast and easily. They do not like to west time. When we think about tradition exam technic in that teacher have to write paper and they have to print that paper for all of the class students. Students want to write that in page and paper. So, it is very time consuming. So, if we can create online paper and students can directly give online exam so that become easy for students and teacher too. So according to that we have tried to make one quizzer application so teacher can easily conduct exam and student can give exam through that application in that teacher can track record of students so teacher can understand that which student required more practice and they can see that record anywhere anytime so they do not need and paper work or want to store that all file.


Reason behind creating this application is that it will become easy for teacher to create exam and for students to give exam.

This application has two part like one is teacher and another one is student. This application is work different for both. From these two options if you create account using one You can’t create account using same email. In this application Techer can Create class and in that They can add students using their email Id. Teacher can add quiz using one by one question or they can directly add Excel sheet in that so that will become easy for teacher to create quiz for students. In that Quiz part there are two parts so teacher can track record for remaining exam and completed exam from completed exam they can track record student’s marks.

In that student’s side If any teacher adds that student in that class so that class will visible at student side. Student can’t directly create new class only teacher can add student. In this application once student start exam and they cand go back if he will go back from that exam so it will save zero mark and leave from exam.


When you start application, it will show you login page if you have account, you can login through that email d if you do not have account so you can create account from clicking create new account and from that you can create account. You can create account as student and as teacher. If you are teacher so you can create account as teacher and if you are student so you can create account as student. In that if you create one account so using that same email id you can’t create account. If you forgot your password so can reset using your email address. Alick on reset option it will send you mail for reset link.

Now when you Login successfully so in teacher side it will show you add class option from that you can create new class and when you create class it will go in next activity. In that activity you can add students from that if that student already created account so you can add that student from that and if that student is not existing so it will show you toast that that student is not exist. Right side there is one button from that you can see list of students in the class and from that you can remove student. Which students are existing in that list only that students can see that class other can’t see that class or they can’t attend quiz which will posted by teacher. Below that there is two option like remaining exam and completed exam. In remaining exam I can see list of exam which due date is does not come yet of form that you can add new quiz also when you add new quiz it will ask you for name, date, starting time and ending time. So when any this is missing or anything is not perfect like date is previous date and time is also not proper so it will so you error in the toast message. There is second part is completed exam in that it will show you list of exam which is already completed and when you click on that completed exam so it will show you that how much score students gain in that exam. In remaining exam when you click ani of the quiz it will show you for add question option there are two way you can add question one is like one by one you write question in that activity and add in that it will ask you for question one is correct answer and other are four option in that there is compulsory to have correct answer from that options after that when you click on add button that question will added in the database and other option is like we add all question at a time using excel sheet but In that excel sheet must have first column is for question, next four for option and last one for correct answer. When you click on excel button it will show you list of files in your device from that if you select any other file so it will not except that it will only except excel file. When you select excel file it will show you question which are in that excel file and you can remove that question from that.

Now In, student side if you successfully login in that application if teacher add that student in the any class so that class will visible to you and when you click that it will go in next activity there are two parts one is remaining exam and second one is completed exam. In completed exam it will show you list of your completed exam and with that it will show you marks which you gain in that exam. In remaining exam when you click in any reimaging exam so exam will start and in that there is one indicator, question and option you can only click one time in that option and after that click on next. With out selecting option next button will not enable. After last question if you click on next so it will come out from that activity and add your score in database in that if you try to go back or click on their option so it will directly give you zero mark.

There is Sign out option in main activity so you can sign out from that option and that will go in directly login activity.

Thank You!!!



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